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Movement 1389

About organization

Movement 1389 is non-government, non-profitable, anti-fascistic, social, youth organization registered in Belgrade, capital of Serbia, on February 21st 2005 (link). Our main aim and 1st chapter of Statute is: to preserve tradition and also affirmation of culture, historical, spiritual and other values of Serbian people. Name "1389" is after great battle between Serbian and Turkish army on Kosovo pole (central part of Kosovo and Metohia) in year 1389, when almost all Serbian and Turkish soldiers died as well as both tzars, and Europe was saved from Islam aggression. We respect and cherish Orthodox religion and Orthodox church.

We are dedicated on defending sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, which especially means keeping Serbian south province Kosovo and Metohia inside national borders. Kosovo is our sacred land, core of identity and cradle of Serbian history and we are working against independence of this province and in support of Serbs living in Kosovo. We are against Serbia entering European Union and NATO alliance, and for state alliance with Russia. We were main organizer of every-day public protest on Republic square in Belgrade center through 2008. and 2009. for 418 days (against Euro - Atlantic integrations of Serbia), when government brutally stopped protests, but people are still coming every day for yet another 400 days (and counting).

Our methods of work are peaceful and legal. We have international cooperation with similar organizations, specially with Movement NASI from Russia. We consider patriotism and family values among our most important, basic principles. We also are developing campaigns against drug addiction and abortions. A lot of new projects are waiting in line for financial and other support in order to be realized - which we hope to be soon. We are open for cooperation with other organizations of similar profile and always ready for dialogue with medias. We are glad to hear new ideas and take part in socially useful projects.